FOGA Founder *****-******** ( pronounced “bleep-bleep” in the TV censorship tone )

FOGA: Real-Nigga Edition is a 30 day, 7 disc, complete “release” yoga program set in an idealistic future where the therapeutically, maturely and real-muhfuckin-niggaedly processing the desire to harm cops is accepted, respected, and promoted.

FOGA’s (Felon Yoga) main approach focuses on incorporating a variety  of weapons (each involving an innate degree of difficulty and intensity) during the program’s exercises; all leading up to the “release” of an imaginary act of imaginary violence against an imaginary cop.

In a country where so many atrocities, savageries and bullshitteries are committed with guns… Who better? Who better in this hoe to find not only a positive but healthy way to utilize firearms than the last muhfuckas that are supposed to have them in the first place? Felons.

Because as we all know…Bacon goes better on a cheeseburger.